AWN’s main work programmes are our spay & neuter and our Primary School Animal Welfare Education Programme. Our primary school education programme is part of our wider public education programme which includes a weekly newspaper column on animal welfare and a very active facebook page with over 11000 followers. AWN committee members are frequently asked to advise on animal welfare issues on television and radio.
Apart from these two main programmes trained AWN members also investigate cruelty reports in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TTSPCA) with support from a senior police officer.
For over ten years AWN has helped rescue and find homes for stray animals or those relinquished by owners. AWN collaborates with the TTSPCA and uses its network of members and veterinary clinics to rescue, treat and find homes for the animals. In addition we are grateful to the Newsday newspaper which donates a weekly colour advertisement that promotes our animals that are available for adoption.