Spaying and neutering are simple surgical procedures which sterilize dogs and cats preventing them from having babies. In addition to reducing the number of stray and unwanted animals, the surgeries have other benefits such as prevention of certain cancers.
Since its beginning, AWN has had an ongoing spay/neuter programme catering for persons with limited financial resources. From 2005-2013 AWN hosted an annual Spay Week in co-operation with the Trinidad & Tobago Veterinary Association. During Spay Week, veterinary clinics offered spay/neuter operations at a very low cost to the public. AWN paid veterinarians a small supplementary fee for each operation performed.
The programme specifically targeted mixed breed dogs (Pothounds) and cats of low-income families. Over 5000 spay/neuter operations have been performed during our spay weeks.
In 2014, we decided to replace Spay Week with a year round, nation-wide Spay & Neuter Programme. This year round programme makes it easier for veterinarians to manage the time and effort they donate to this programme and also is administratively easier for AWN volunteers to manage.
Please contact us to apply for the Animal Welfare Network Low Cost Spay Neuter Programme